Friday, 14 October 2011

Easy H264 - A Free Video Encoder That Works!

Easy H264 - A Free Video Encoder That Works!

I've spoke to many people about video encoding, usually them asking me the best and easiest way to encode a video and get the file size down to a considerably lower size. Now there are many paid solutions out there that, for the most part, work well or well enough that the program gets done what you want it to get done. But instead of paying for a piece of software that compresses your video, wouldn't it be great if there was a free program that worked just as well or better that was free.
Well 'Easy H264' is a video encoder for Windows, yes only for Windows unfortunately, that encodes your video and reduces the file size dramatically and works extremely well. I recently encoded a video for a friend and his video was an uncompressed AVI at 9.5GB file size. We ran Easy H264 to encode this video and the file size on output was 23MB, something which shocked me even though I had used it before. And when we played this video back, for the average person watching this compressed video, it was virtually impossible to tell a difference.
Easy H264 is definitely 'easy' to use as well as stated in the name. All you do is select the video file you are aiming to encode, name and save an output file, then select your compression type. There are about 6 options and you can encode different types of video straight from the piece of software including uncompressed AVI, Windows Media Video and MP4 Video so Easy H264 is an extremely flexible program. This ease of use also means that it's appealing to the consumer market, those who want a quick and easy to way to reduce file sizes of their videos. It's also appealing to the pro-sumer market that has a little choice over how to encode the video but still reduces all the stress that often comes with encoding video.
And something that I mentioned at the start of this post is that it would be great for software to be free and still work as well as paid software. Well, Easy H264 is available as a free download and once the compressed folder has been downloaded and extracted just open the application and start encoding your videos with Easy H264 because it's a portable application, yes, no installation required so this piece of software is something where you don't need the privileges to install like in a school or workplace, it just works.
Jake Parkin - Hire me to market your company online in the best way possible, by creating content, designing you a website and creating a whole eco-system that works for your customers.

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