Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Computer Video Card

Computer Video Card

The computer video card is a very important component in a computer. Without it you would not be able to send any information to the monitor. Your computer can be running fine but if you can't see anything on the monitor then it is basically worthless. So can you see the importance of the video card and choosing one that suits your needs?
A computer video card is placed in the motherboard, where it transfers video signals through a cable to your monitor. The video card can either be built into the motherboard or be a separate card that is placed in either the AGP or PCI-Express Slots.

The computer graphics cards major job in a computer is to convert graphic patterns into signals for the monitor's screen. However in recent times as the graphics card has become more advanced it has taken some of the jobs previously assigned with the CPU and through a graphics pipeline adds 2D and 3D effects and it also adds textures.

A computer video card has three memories chips, a processor fan and process heat sink and etc.

CD RW Drives

CD RW Drives

CD RW drives and other drives such as CD ROMs, DVD ROMs and DVD RWs have become a crucial component of a computer. Previously the CD ROM drive was not crucial to the life of a computer. 

Floppy drives were the main source of data transfer and files were small enough to fit on them. However, today even CD drives are getting out of date and are fast being replaced by the DVD ROM and DVD RW Drives.

What is a CD ROM

Well you most likely know what a CD ROM is used for but maybe you don't know what it means. CD stands for Compact Disc and ROM stands for Read Only Memory.
A CD ROM holds
data that can be accessed by a computer or a CD player. Music and multimedia CDs have become popular. CDs are often used for installing programs, operating systems and other applications. A common CD holds about 700MB (700 Megabytes) while the DVD holds 4.7GB or 4700 Megabytes.

Computer Hard Drive

Computer Hard Drive

A computer hard drive is the place where computer data is stored. A HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is generally referred to as the secondary computer storage device, as the RAM (Random Access Memory) is the primary. Data that is stored on the RAM is volatile meaning when the computer is shut down then the information will be lost.

What is a Hard Drive?

When you turn on your computer it starts the Boot Process which tells the computer to go to thehard drive for the Operating System.

A hard drive is a permanent storage device, so even when the computer is turned off the information will still be there. The operating system, program files, and all data files are stored on the hard drive. A computer can function without a hard drive but there would be no operating system or programs so it would be of very little use.

A hard drive uses circular platters to store data. These are kept in pristine condition and are very good mirrors. If you open a hard drive case, the air will contaminate the platters and it is unlikely that it would work again. The actuator arm runs between the platters reading the information in 1's and 0's. The head of this arm reads data even when the disk is running at 7200rpms (a commonhard drive speed).

This means that the platter is doing 7200 rounds per minute. More recent computer hard drives can now do up to 15,000rpms. As the platters go round and round the head reads it and processes the information which then proceeds to the connector which connects to the computer.

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